Vodka Martini
Vodka Martini
Simply the worlds most sophisticated cocktail. Nothing says cocktails before dinner quite like a Vodka Martini.
Let me suggest Smirnoff Vodka or the Russian Stolichanaya also known as Stoli! Far smoother than most others. One can drink it straight without gagging to death. A great vodka pretty much goes down like water. Almost all vodkas I have tasted over the past few years are simply not up to the job. One of the worse offenders is Absolute which in reality taste like the hospital hand disinfectant that you find outside the doctors waiting room.
When all is sorted and the super trendy dust settles it’s great that a few of our old friends the Vodka Martini are still there. It’s a comforting thought.
This recipe template has a feature to double recipes. Don’t use it for this, see my notes below.
Vodka Martini
- 20 ml dry Vermoth Niolly Pratt is the prefered Vermouth
- 100 ml vodka best quality vodka such as Stolichnya or Smirnoff's
- 2-4 green olives packed in salt water
- 2 pieces of lemon peel yellow part only from an unwaxed lemon
- Chill the Martini glasses by placing them in the freezer or fill with crushed ice.
- Place the ice and the vermouth in a mixing glass. Stir the contents for 6 to 10 seconds, mixing well and discard the liquid through a cocktail strainer keeping the ice.
- Pour in the vodka of your choice and mix well again for another 6-8 seconds and strain into a chilled Martini glass using a cocktail strainer.
- Add the olive to the drink - or take a bit of lemon peel and lightly squeeze it over the glass to release the oils into the drink and add it to the drink.
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