Bastardui Pasta, Lasagne Bastarde

Other Names:
Lasagne Bastarde


Bastardui is found in Liguria
Made with: 
Wheat flour, water, and finely chopped wild herbs. The dough is either formed into a short rectangular lozenge shape or rolled into thick strands and then pulled into small pieces and shaped into small gnocchiette shapes.

Lasagne bastarde, also known as “armelette” or “matte,” are traditional diamond-shaped pasta sheets from the Lunigiana region in northern Tuscany, Italy. They are made with a combination of wheat flour and chestnut flour, the latter being a staple ingredient in the region’s cuisine. The percentage of chestnut flour in the dough can vary, but typically it ranges from 30 to 60%. This unique blend of flours gives the pasta a slightly sweet, nutty flavor and a slightly chewy texture.

Lasagne bastarde are traditionally served with a simple sauce of olive oil, pecorino cheese, and black pepper. The combination of the sweet pasta, the savory sauce, and the salty cheese is surprisingly harmonious and satisfying.

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