Peel the asparagus bottoms to remove the tough outer stringy layer from each spear. Wash each spear under cold running water to remove any grit or dirt.
In a pot large enough to hold all the asparagus bring the salted water up to a boil.
Take the asparagus and wrap in bundles about he size of your fist with kitchen string and trim off the bottoms with a knife to make them all the same length.
Take the asparagus and wrap in bundles about he size of your fist with kitchen string and trim off the bottoms with a knife to make them all the same length.
When the water comes up to the boil place the asparagus bundles in and cook for approx 10 minutes. You will have to test them with the tip of a small knife to see when they are done.
When cooked remove the bundles from the pot and immediately place them into a bowl of ice cold water and cut the strings. (add a tray or two of ice cubes to the water). This will help set the color in the asparagus so they keep there beautiful bright green color for serving. You want to make them as cold as possible as fast as possible 1 to stop the cooking and 2 to set the color.
Drain the asparagus and pat dry with a clean dry kitchen towel or paper towels.
You can store them in a shallow dish wide enough to hold all the asparagus by lining it with a damp kitchen towel and covered with plastic wrap. You can make the asparagus early in the day and store them for use later in the day.
You can at this point use the asparagus to serve with a simple vinaigrette or one made with fine herbs. Do not serve them ice cold from the fridge, they should be cool not cold.
To warm, remove the asparagus from the fridge and place in a steamer basket over boiling water. Warm for a few minutes until hot then remove the asparagus directly to the serving platter or plate up individually for each guest. Spoon 2 - 3 msk. (2-3 tbls.) of the Sauce Maltaise over each portion and serve immediately.
If you are serving the asparagus on a serving platter. Place the sauce in a warm sauce boat or bowl and place all the asparagus on the serving platter (artfully). Sprinkle with a little very finely chopped parsley or chives and serve immediately. Do use warmed plates at the table.